

2nd Article : The domino effect in Europe’s debt crisis


I choose to comment this article, because it’s a theme of actuality. And if this article, we have a look of the consequences of the crisis in each country of Europe. Moreover, we have the explanation of the linking of the events: why a fact X is the cause of a fact Y…

In my point of view, we can only find a solution all together because we are more or less all in the same situation. The domino effect is the effect of contagion, every country of Europe have business, money, investment in the others country of Europe.

And I am totally agree with Marina when she says that : « I think, one of the biggest problem in different societies are the uncertainty and fear. People don´t know what to do. » ; That’s totaly right, nobody knows how to change the situation… Politics are multiplicating the number of meeting to try to find together a solution…


Man City records losses of more than $300 million

This article makes me think about the relation between football and money.

Is it normal to spend that much money in times of crisis? Spend millions of euros for a player contract?

I chose this article because I am outraged money spent, wasted in this environment and the sport. It gives a huge amount of money young players. But once they are too old to play, nothing is done to assist them in their conversion. Football is a sport watched by millions and millions of people, I think he should lead by example. Make efforts to restrict budgets … But nothing, nothing is done in this direction



Is Spanish safe now?



No, I think that the most difficult for Spain is arriving…

A period of recession and budget cuts, for Spain, but also for Greece, Italy, Portugal or even France and other EU countries. I think one of the biggest problems in Spain earlier today is the use; or rather unemployment is very high. Students’ study are longer, but there is no work for them out of the university. We must find a way to create jobs, by raising the consumption.

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